Swansea Bay MVP

Swansea Bay Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)  

An independent multi-disciplinary advisory and action forum with local service users at the centre.

So what is Swansea Bay MVP?

Swansea Bay Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is an independent multi-disciplinary advisory and action team, working together to review and contribute to the development and continuous improvement of local maternity care. It is led by an independent lay Chair and Vice Chair, who ensure Service Users are represented.  

SBMVP is made up of:

Maternity Service Users, their partners and their families 

▪ Maternity Service Providers (people who deliver services, such as midwives, obstetricians, private maternity service providers etc) 

▪ Commissioners (people who plan, buy and monitor services) 

▪ The Local Authority (LA) – commissioning public health and social care and support services 

▪ Other community representatives – for example breastfeeding support charities, doulas, sling libraries and other mother/baby health related services

Our Mission

Swansea Bay Maternity Voices Partnership (SBMVP) is an independent working group: a team of women and their families, commissioners and maternity service providers working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care.

Our Vision

To give all women and their families who are on or have been on the maternity pathway within Swansea Bay Maternity Services a voice. 

Using these voices to improve the maternity services through multi-disciplinary collaboration and co-production.

Our Purpose

To champion the voices of women, birthing people and their families, as well as local maternity service providers voices, in the development and continuous improvement of maternity services in Swansea Bay catchment area.

Swansea Bay M V P operates on the following five principles:

1) Work creatively, respectfully and collaboratively to co-design and co-produce solutions together as equals, promoting and valuing participation.

2) Seek out and listen to the voices of women and birthing people, families and carers using maternity services, even when that voice is a whisper.

3) Champion the use of Service Users’ experiences and insight as evidence when reviewing services.

4) Understand and work with the interdependency that exists between the experience of staff and positive outcomes for women, birthing people, families and carers.

5) Pursue continuous quality improvement in local maternity services with a particular focus on closing inequality gaps.

Our Swansea Bay M V P is committed to:

1) working in partnership with healthcare professionals and others to implement person-centred care which offers people information and care based on best available evidence, always respecting their choices.

2) diversity and equal opportunities and upholding human rights in pregnancy and childbirth

3) recognising that our members will bring with them different beliefs, values and experience. All these perspectives should be valued and respected. Members of Swansea Bay Maternity Voices should have an equal opportunity to contribute to discussion and decision-making processes.

So what do we do?

1. We collect feedback on maternity services from both Service Users & Service Providers

2. We communicate feedback on maternity services to NHS & make recommendations

3. We co-produce solutions to feedback

Solutions Focused - Maternity Service Users and Maternity Service Providers working together to co-produce suggestions and solutions to issues

4. We advise on all aspects of maternity services where women's & families' voices need to be represented

Help maternity services co-produce documents and input into new initiatives

Swansea Bay M V P has co-produced a new Charter for Swansea Bay Maternity Services - For more information please review our Impact page

Any questions?

Contact Lisa Boat (Chair) or Beck Robinson (Vice Chair) on swanseabay.maternityvoices@outlook.com to get more information about Swansea Bay MVP
